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Our vision and mission

Our vision, mission and values guide our work across resolving complaints, education, research, advocacy as well as monitoring and enforcing the protection of human rights.

Our vision

Our vision is for a fair, safe and inclusive Victoria where every person is respected and treated with dignity.

Our mission

Our mission is to engage and influence law and policy makers, institutions, communities and individuals to protect and promote human rights in Victoria.

Our values

The Victorian public sector values (VPS values) identify what’s important to the public sector, and how it works. The values apply to all Commission staff and underpin the behaviours government and the Victorian community expect of the VPS.


  • Provide frank, impartial and timely advice to government.
  • Provide high quality services to the Victorian community.
  • Identify and promote best practice.


  • Be honest, open and transparent.
  • Use powers responsibly.
  • Report improper conduct.
  • Avoid any real or apparent conflicts of interest.
  • Strive to earn and sustain public trust of a high level.


  • Make decisions and provide advice on merit and without bias, caprice, favouritism or self interest.
  • Act fairly by objectively considering all relevant facts and fair criteria.
  • Implement government policies and programs equitably.


  • Work to clear objectives in a transparent manner.
  • Accept responsibility for your decisions and actions.
  • Seek to achieve best use of resources.
  • Submit yourselves to appropriate scrutiny.


  • Treat colleagues, other public officials and the Victorian community fairly and objectively.
  • Ensure freedom from discrimination, harassment and bullying.
  • Use your views to improve outcomes on an ongoing basis.


  • Actively implement, promote and support these values.

Human rights

  • Make decisions and provide advice consistent with human rights.
  • Actively implement, promote and support human rights.
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