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Education and consultancy services

We deliver tailored education and consultancy services about equal opportunity, anti-discrimination, anti-vilification and human rights to help you address systemic issues, engage with community stakeholders and build capabilities to shift behaviour and create enduring change.


We use a human-centred approach to conduct reviews and co-design tailored strategies and programs to help you implement innovative solutions to achieve change.

Young women speaking to a small circle of other people in a trainin session

Our expertise

We are the State’s authority in equal opportunity and human rights with more than 40 years’ experience delivering customised workplace education and co-designing strategies with communities and organisations across Victoria.

We are guided by an evidence base drawn from our work in policy, research, complaints handling and legal interventions under equal opportunity and human rights laws in Victoria; with the support of a team of experts in their field.

We have a range of education and consultancy services and resources that we can adapt and tailor for each organisation.

Consulting work

Our consulting work supports organisations to lead positive, enduring change through inclusive and accessible community engagement and the creation of fair, safe and inclusive workplace cultures. To ensure the best possible outcomes for every client, we take a collaborative and customised approach to developing equality, respect and human rights action plans.

Human Rights Solutions

Are you a business eager to enhance your policies, processes, and practices to create more inclusive environments and drive social impact? Partner with the Commission though our new initiative, Human Rights Solutions.

Our services

Our services

Who we work with

We deliver consulting services to business, government and the community. Our clients span diverse sectors including health, local government, emergency services, creative industries, education and sport.


Brian Cook, Chief Executive, Geelong Football Club

The Geelong Football Club is proud to work with the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission (VEOHRC). Right from the start, VEOHRC tailored their best practice approach to suit our needs. With their ability and expertise to engage with our staff, executive team and Board, we now have critical data and insights enabling us to build our knowledge and capability in providing a healthy, welcoming and inclusive environment. We look forward to continuing this journey with VEOHRC and the development of our first Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan.

Bojana Zabic, Organisational Development Adviser, WorkSafe

The VEOHRC team were a delight to partner with, they are professional, engaging and delivered an evidence-based services, tailor fit for our purpose.

Carmela C Guglielmino, Assistant Principal, Willmott Park Primary School

The project [with the Commission] gave us further clarity about why it is so important to focus on respect, dignity and inclusion, and helped us to get our staff on board. We now have more help from staff in our wellbeing initiatives, and day to day work, because they have an understanding of how all of this work promotes a safe learning environment, and why we need to think about the unique circumstances of every single student.

Suzi Hayes, Senior Advisor, Diversity and Inclusion, Yarra City Council

The face-to-face education and online tools created a safe space for people to have conversations about difficult matters and, in that space, we were really able to bridge the divide between intent and impact.


Education programs

We work with organisations to identify education needs of staff to achieve compliance and best practice in relation to all of our laws.

Scheduled courses

We provide human rights and equality courses which we deliver face-to-face or live online, to offer individuals or small teams an opportunity to deepen their understanding of human rights and equal opportunity issues.

In these programs, participants will develop knowledge and skills to take back to the workplace. We challenge participants using realistic scenarios, current cases and best practice examples.

Our courses are a valuable opportunity to not only learn from content experts but also work with other organisations, share practices and develop useful networks.

In workplaces

We can also provide education programs for contact officers in workplaces with six or more contact officers.

Contact us to discuss your needs

For more information, please call us on 1300 292 153 or email

Individuals who wish to enrol in our public education courses can visit our human rights and equality courses page.

Subscribe to our newsletter to receive an email every second month about our upcoming courses.

Key stats


educators completed our innovative course on a human rights approach to diversity and inclusion in 2019


training participants across private, public, government and community sectors in 2018-2019.


client satisfaction from participants in our courses in 2018-19.


education and training sessions delivered in 2018-19.

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