Pay equality toolkit: Start with the Pay Equality Compass
Discover, evaluate and monitor your progress towards pay equality with the Pay Equality Compass. Designed specifically for busy small business owners and managers, the compass will help you assess your strengths and opportunities for growth, to develop your priorities for achieving equal pay.

What is the Pay Equality Compass?
The Pay Equality Compass provides Victorian small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) with an easy way to assess their own progress towards pay equality and identify which of the tools in the Pay Equality Toolkit can help them achieve their priorities.
What will the Pay Equality Compass tell me about my business?
The Pay Equality Compass will help you identify areas of strength and opportunities for growth in your business practices for addressing equal pay.
Our 2020 report Equal pay matters sets out a framework for achieving gender pay equality in SMEs and a roadmap for achieving this vision in the future. The framework outlines key domains that organisations must consider to achieve this vision.
The Pay Equality Compass helps you to define your current position in a domain and then suggests which of the tools in the toolkit can help you progress in that domain. The compass produces a report in the form of an editable action plan.
Domains included in the Pay Equality Compass
Will this tool report my gender pay gap?
This tool will not assess for a gender pay gap or share information about your position on equal pay The requirement to report on an organisation’s gender pay gap applies only to Australian businesses with a staff of 100 or more employees..
Accessing the Pay Equality Compass will require you to create a login in order to save your selections. This enables you to stop and return at a later time and also to view your progress towards equal pay over time.
Your privacy
It is not necessary to provide any identifying information when you use the Pay Equality Compass; however, the email address you use to create a login may contain your name, and there are free text boxes which may capture personal information depending on what you type into the tool.
You have the option to delete the information you have put into the compass and to delete your account after you have used it. If you delete the information, then the Commission will not retain or have access to any of the information that you typed into the compass.
If you do not delete the information then it will remain in the system for you to access and view over time. This means that the Commission will retain the information; however, the Commission will not use or disclose your information.
The purpose of collecting the information is to enable you to continue to use the tool over time. The Commission may report on the number of organisations using the tool, but no identifying information will be disclosed.
Ready to get started?
The Pay Equality Compass is optimised for mobile devices.