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Disability and public transport

Under the Equal Opportunity Act 2010 it is against the law to discriminate against people when providing goods and services, including public transport. There are also Australia-wide standards to help public transport operators understand their obligations to prevent discrimination.

A man and his assistance dog sit on a bus.

How can public transport discriminate against people with disability?

People with disability can experience significant barriers to using public transport including:

  • timetables that are not accessible
  • no lifts or ramps to access train stations
  • no clear signage available for people with vision impairment
  • limited access to multipurpose taxis.

If you think you have experienced discrimination you can get help from the Commission. You can make a complaint to us or we can give you information about your rights.

Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport

The Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport (Transport standards) are Australia-wide standards that provide practical advice about the responsibilities of transport providers.

They aim to ensure that, over time, people with disability can enjoy the same public transport services as other members of the community.

Many older Australians and people with prams will also benefit from the Transport Standards.

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