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Ambulance Victoria review – Update 10 (20 September 2021)

The September update on the review into workplace equality in Ambulance Victoria provides further information of when and how the final report will be delivered.

20 September 2021

Hi everyone

I’m pleased to provide the tenth update on the Commission’s Independent review into workplace equality in Ambulance Victoria.

Since my last update, my team and I have continued to work hard to finalise the review, so we can share with AV the experiences and suggestions for change that you have all generously trusted us with.

I have had several recent conversations about the review with AV’s Chair and CEO, and last week, my team and I briefed the Executive Committee on the draft key findings of the review, as well as our early thinking regarding the changes that will help the organisation better address discrimination, sexual harassment, bullying and victimisation.

Further consultation will take place this week with the Board and will be followed over the coming weeks by consultations with the various unions and professional associations, as well as the Department of Health and the Commission for Gender Equality in the Public Sector. Each discussion is helping us to test and fine tune the evidence-based solutions that will best serve AV.

To ensure that we can deliver a high-quality, evidence-based report that provides clear direction and robust recommendations to chart a pathway forward for Ambulance Victoria and also enable the organisation to take immediate steps to address safety concerns, the Chair and CEO have agreed to a request from us to deliver the final report in two volumes.

We made this request in large part due to the higher than anticipated number of people who came forward to share their experiences and views with the Commission. This has given us an incredibly rich and significant evidence base to inform our findings, but it has also meant that we need more time to review the material with the care it deserves. This challenge has been complicated by the significant ongoing impact of COVID-19 on the Commission’s operations – an impact that we know has also been acutely felt by Ambulance Victoria’s workforce and others.

As a result of this change, we will now deliver the final report in two volumes.

  • Volume I will be delivered on 30 November 2021 and will detail our findings and recommendations in relation to safety, respect and trust. This includes in relation to:
    • the nature, extent, drivers and impact of discrimination, sexual harassment, bullying and victimisation
    • how safe and respected people feel in the workplace
    • the adequacy of AV’s response to reports and complaints of workplace harm
    • the immediate steps that AV can take to improve safety, respect and trust within the organisation.
  • Volume II, to be delivered in March 2022, will detail our findings and recommendations in relation to equality, fairness and inclusion within the organisation. This includes AV’s approach to:
    • equal representation, pay and progression
    • flexibility, accessibility, support for parents and carers, and transition-to-retirement
    • organisational capability, leadership development and continuous improvement.

I look forward to presenting our analysis and recommendations – the culmination of all of your important contributions and experiences – which I trust will shape the future of Ambulance Victoria.  In the meantime I hope that you are all staying as safe and well as possible as we continue to navigate these challenging pandemic times.

Take care

Ro Allen
Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commissioner

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