Ambulance Victoria review – Update 12 (19 November 2021)
With volume I of the final report being delivered on 30 November 2021, Commissioner Ro Allen reflects on the courage and hard work of former and current Ambulance Victoria employees who shared their experiences over the last year, and explains the Commission’s role following the release of the final report.
19 November 2021
I’m pleased to provide the twelfth update on the Commission’s Independent review into workplace equality in Ambulance Victoria.
Since my last update, the team and I have finalised Volume I of the final report, which is now being carefully designed and prepared for publication on 30 November 2021. This report will detail our findings and recommendations in relation to safety, respect and trust.
This report is the culmination of the hard work, commitment and courage of many people, including the many current and former employees and first responders who shared their experiences, stories and views with the Commission over the last year. The honesty, candour and richness of the information shared with us has enabled the Commission to develop a clear understanding of the current state of workplace equality in Ambulance Victoria. Thank you once again for so generously sharing your experiences and views with us.
Your actions have allowed the Commission to identify and understand the systemic issues and drivers that are affecting the organisation as a whole – the focus of this independent review. It has also meant that the reforms we have identified are deeply and uniquely informed by your individual experiences.
The Commission will release the report on our website on 30 November 2021. After the report is published, you will be able to access a copy of the report here. I’ll be in touch again to let you know when the report has been released.
I’ll also be participating in a Workplace Live Q&A to be broadcast on 2 December alongside AV CEO Tony Walker, AV Chief Operations Officer Libby Murphy, and AV’s Executive Lead for the review, Nicola Reinders. I’ll explain the Commission’s key findings and recommendations, and you will hear directly from your leaders. Importantly, I will be available alongside the team to answer any questions you may have, and to listen to your responses to the review. The Live Q&A will be recorded and available afterwards if you aren’t able to join us.
Volume I of the Commission’s final report is the first step towards positive and enduring change in Ambulance Victoria. There are many more steps to come – both with the publication of Volume II in March 2022, and also Phases 2 and 3 of the review. During Phase 2, the Commission will provide ongoing support and guidance to Ambulance Victoria in the implementation of our recommendations. During Phase 3, which will take place in the second half of 2023, we will conduct an audit to assess the extent to which Ambulance Victoria has implemented our recommendations, once again publishing our findings.
The deep and transformative change that both Volume I and Volume II of the Commission’s final report outlines will take both time and considered effort by Ambulance Victoria and many stakeholders to implement. The Commission will remain engaged with Ambulance Victoria over the coming years as a critical partner to support these changes.
I look forward to joining at the upcoming Live Q&A in December, as well as continuing to engage with you over the coming months as the Commission prepares Volume II.
I hope you are all safe and well.
Take care
Ro Allen
Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commissioner