Human Rights Week 2022: Rights in action
To recognise this year’s Human Rights Week (2–9 December 2022) and its theme Rights in action, we invite you to take the pledge and take part in daily actions to challenge your knowledge of human rights and implement this knowledge in a practical way.
This year’s Human Rights Week is from 2–9 December 2022.
Human Rights Day – the day the United Nations General Assembly adopted, in 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) – is on 10 December.
Building on last year’s theme to make rights real, this year’s theme is Rights in action.
We are asking Victorians to:
- consider human rights in their interactions in everyday life
- have conversations about human rights
- put their knowledge into practice
- help build a society where rights are valued and respected.
About the week
Each day, participants will receive a daily action (and some additional actions) to set off a series of activities that all Victorians can join.
During the week, pledgers will take part in these daily actions to challenge their knowledge of human rights and implement this knowledge in a practical way.
We hope these actions will lead to conversations about rights and empower Victorians to advocate for themselves and others beyond #HRWVic2022.
This year’s week of action will be delivered in partnership with:
Commissioner for LGBTIQ+ Communities
Commission for Children and Young People
Mental Health Complaints Commissioner
Event calendar
Friday 2 December: Victorian Disability Worker Commission
Monday 5 December: Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission
Tuesday 6 December: Commission for Children and Young People
Wednesday 7 December: Mental Health Complaints Commissioner
Thursday 8 December: Commissioner for LGTBIQ+ Communities
Friday 9 December: Victorian Multicultural Commission
Read more about the week on our Human Rights Week webpage.