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Human Rights Week 2021: Make rights real

This year we saw the continuation of the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, a global disrupter that has exacerbated and brought to light many human rights concerns.  

Conversations about human rights have been raised in relation to a broad range of issues including masks, vaccines, and social and economic recovery.  

To recognise Human Rights Week (3 – 10 December) this year, we invite Victorians to Make rights real. This week is intended to offer a practical understanding of human rights, so all Victorians can see the impact that rights have on our lives, and the way we engage with others in our community.  

About the week

Every year, we recognise International Human Rights Day with a week of events, concluding in an annual Oration. This year, we are adapting to a changing social landscape, and delivering a ‘week of action’ instead, in partnership with: 

Each day, one organisation will lead with a daily action (along with additional tasks as inspiration once the week concludes) to set off a series of activities that all Victorians can join. During the week, pledgers will take part in these daily actions to challenge their knowledge of human rights and implement this knowledge in a practical way.  

We hope these actions will lead to conversations about rights and empower Victorians to advocate for themselves and others beyond #HRWVic2021. 

Event calendar

  • Friday 3 December: Celebrating International Day of People with Disability: Protect the rights of people with disability 
  • Monday 6 December: Upholding the rights of our LGBTIQ+ community 
  • Tuesday 7 December: Deepen your understanding of human rights through the refugee  
    and migrant experience 
  • Wednesday 8 December: How much do you know about children and young people’s rights in Victoria? 
  • Thursday 9 December: Act on ageism  
  • Friday 10 December: Test your human rights knowledge in real life scenarios.  

Read more about the week on our Human Rights Week webpage.


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