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Guide to building human rights culture

The human rights culture indicator framework helps strengthen and measure human rights culture in public authorities in Victoria. The framework is accompanied by a guide to assist public authorities build a culture of human rights within their organisations.


The framework

This framework was informed by our experience applying the Charter, expert advice on measuring organisational culture and extensive consultation. The result was a framework designed to help public authorities enhance human rights culture and measure activities that exist when human rights culture is strong.

The Commission has tested the framework with a pilot group of public authorities, which worked well.

We will continue to use the framework as a tool in our work to support authorities to improve their awareness and application of human rights.

The guide

The guide explains the Commission’s human rights culture indicator framework and outlines a non-exhaustive list of actions and leading practices to strengthen human rights culture.

The guide supports Victorian public authorities and community organisations by:

  • providing guidance on actions public authorities can take to implement the framework across their functions and practices, and monitor their progress
  • providing information to community organisations and monitoring bodies on the range of actions public authorities can take to embed human rights culture
  • serving as an educative resource to inspire action under the Charter.
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