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Guideline: Race discrimination in the workplace

About the guideline

The Guideline: Race discrimination in the workplace provides information on your rights and responsibilities regarding race discrimination in the workplace under the Equal Opportunity Act 2010.

The guideline provides an introduction to workplace racism in Victoria and is an essential tool for all employers to tackle racism at work.

The guideline sets five minimum standards that employers must meet to comply with their positive duty to prevent race discrimination under the Equal Opportunity Act. The minimum standards provide employers with clear steps and guidance to make their organisation anti-racist and comply with the positive duty.

The guideline also provides important information for First Peoples and other racialised employees who have or believe they have experienced race discrimination in the workplace, as well those looking to understand what their rights are and employers about their responsibilities.

Related resources

Alongside the guideline we have developed a series of anti-racism resources to support organisations to meet their obligations. These include:

To download the translated resources, select your language below.

How can we help

If you believe you have experienced racial discrimination in the workplace, contact our Enquiry Line on 1300 292 153 for more information about your rights and how you can make a complaint.

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