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Sexual harassment support and response tool

Let’s chat about how to respond.

Access the sexual harassment support and response tool

About this resource

Sexual harassment causes harm and it can be difficult to know what to do if you’ve experienced or witnessed it.

Our Sexual harassment support and response tool is an interactive chat that provides pathways for information if:

  • you have experienced sexual harassment at work
  • you’ve seen or overheard behaviour that might be sexual harassment
  • someone has disclosed to you that they have experienced sexual harassment.

The response tool can help you understand when something at work crosses the line into sexual harassment. It shares information and advice on how to respond to help you weigh up options. And it provides a directory of support services to get you the help you may need.

Education opportunities

The Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission offers tailored courses to support workplaces prevent and respond to sexual harassment, manage incidents and complaints, and develop active bystander and first responder skills.

Find out more about our education and consultancy services or see our scheduled course on workplace sexual harassment for general enrolments.

Enquiries about the tool

For more information about the sexual harassment support and response tool, please contact the Education team.

Accessing urgent support

For immediate support for sexual assault, violence or rape, you can get in touch with the free counselling service 1800RESPECT on 1800 737 732.

1800RESPECT can help you make a complaint to the police and has qualified counsellors to provide information, support and referrals to other services.

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