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Workplace Equality – Contact officer refresher

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Contact officers are the first point of contact in the workplace to provide confidential and impartial information about options to resolve complaints on discrimination, sexual harassment and victimisation.

This program is designed to ensure that contact officers keep up to date and deepen their practice. This course discusses developments in equal opportunity law, common problems, and techniques to improve practice. It allows contact officers to debrief and learn from peers.

Audience: contact officers* who have previously completed a contact officer course.

Date: Tuesday 22 April 2025 (in person)

Time: 10am-1pm

Length: 3 hours

Cost: $396pp (incl. GST)

*contact officers are recommended to take this course every two years.

Key learning objectives

Participants will learn how to:

  • explore key updates to equal opportunity law and practice, and the application to their policies and procedures
  • increase confidence in performing the role
  • identify challenges officers have encountered and identify solutions
  • revise and enhance interview skills.


This interactive and experiential workshop uses practical small group activities, including hypothetical case scenarios and practical role plays, to build participant capacity and confidence to provide information and support to colleagues who disclose experiences of discrimination, sexual harassment or victimisation at work.

Participants will also be introduced to a range of Commission resources frameworks and resources to support ongoing actions to comply with the law and create respectful workplace culture.

Participants: minimum of 5, maximum of 12 preferred

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