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Workplace anti-racism resources

About the resources

Under the Equal Opportunity Act, employers have a ‘positive duty’ to eliminate discrimination at work as far as possible – this positive duty means it is not enough to just deal with complaints; rather, employers must take positive steps to stop it from happening in the first place.

To support organisations to implement the minimum standards in the Guideline: Race discrimination in the workplace, we have developed a suite of resources, which provide both employers and First Peoples and other racialised employees with accessible and additional information racism and about their rights and responsibilities under the Equal Opportunity Act.

Race discrimination in the workplace: What are my responsibilities

A fact sheet that summarises the responsibilities of employers under the Equal Opportunity Act regarding race discrimination in the workplace, including their obligations to comply with the Positive Duty.

Race discrimination in the workplace: what are my rights?

A fact sheet that summarises the rights of First Peoples and racialised employees under the Equal Opportunity Act regarding race discrimination in the guideline.

Guide for bystanders of race discrimination in the workplace

A guide for bystanders of race discrimination in the workplace. This resource is important for all employees looking to understand how they can be active-bystanders and respond appropriately to create workplaces free from discrimination.

Racial literacy guide

An introductory guide to building and developing racial literacy that contains an introduction to terms and concepts common in racial literacy and antiracism for all who want to grow their understanding of anti-racism.

Anti-racism policy guide

A guide for employers to develop their own anti-racist policy that outlines an organisation’s commitment to prevent and respond to race discrimination.

Race discrimination prevention plan guide

A guide for employers to develop their own prevention plan that sets out the approach for preventing workplace race discrimination. It identifies relevant drivers and risks of workplace race discrimination and sets out the appropriate response measures.

Minimum standards framework

An overview of the minimum standards, with a description of each with key expectations that organisations should meet to fulfil each standard.


The fact sheets, bystander guide and racial literacy guide are available in Arabic, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Farsi,  Hazaragi, Karen, Khmer, Korean, Punjabi, Somali, Turkish and Vietnamese.

See below for translated versions.


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